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Reupholstered Vintage Sheepbone Chairs

Client Spotlight french antique furniture antique dining chairs renaissance furniture victorian decor
Reupholstered Vintage Sheepbone Chairs

Vintage French Sheepbone ChairsI love this “Reupholstered in Seattle” story. Greg and I found a set of 24 vintage sheepbone chairs that had been used as conference room chairs in France. The vintage chair set dated to the 1930s and each chair was upholstered in a rather ugly green, red and gold striped velour fabric. We optimistically thought of them as "Christmas chairs!" But the frames were so nicely carved we knew they could find a good home.

We had the chairs shipped from France to America and then we decided to split the set up into two sets of 12 chairs. One set went to a designer in Miami, Florida and the other set went to a designer in Seattle, WA. Obviously the designers could see past the upholstery to the true beauty that lay beneath!

Reupholstered Vintage French Chairs

Sheepbone Chairs Crafted Well

Here are photos of how the chairs turned out for Hoedemaker Pfeiffer the Seattle architecture and interior design company that had their set reupholstered.

They are really great in our opinion!

The red upholstery looks terrific against the oak chair frame and the nailhead trim is so striking.

Vintage French Sheepbone Dining ChairsThey are called sheepbone chairs because of the shapely legs.

This style of chair is called ‘os de mouton’ in French, which simply translates as bone of the sheep because it looks like a lamb’s leg.

This photo shows the chairs in the designer's client’s dining room. That gorgeous long table is also antique and I love the design of the rug.

Reupholstered Oak

Between the reupholstered oak sheepbone chairs, the antique table, and the wood paneled walls, this looks like the setting for some very noble dinner gatherings indeed!

Thanks to our customer Holland Stephens at the interior design company Hoedemaker Pfeiffer for sending us the photos. Holland was happy with how the chairs worked out and we are delighted to see them given a makeover and a beautiful new life!

You can see more vintage French Sheepbone chairs in this customer spotlight, which shows how well the vintage chairs fit into a stylish dining room in California!

french antique furniture antique dining chairs renaissance furniture victorian decor
Aimee @ EuroLux Home

Aimee owns with her husband and best friend, Greg. With over 20 years' experience in acquiring and selling French Antique Furniture, she is very knowledgeable about furniture styles and how they are influenced by historical events. Aimee has shipped antique furniture and antique furniture reproductions to all 50 States and over 50 foreign countries. Subscribe to this blog for articles about antique furniture construction methods, style trends and even repair tips. Check out our YouTube channel!