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Exploring Antique Furniture and Home Decorating Ideas


Belgian Furniture: Religious Treasures

Antiques Buying Trip french antique furniture antique buying trip in europe antique crucifix catholic home decor chandelier vintage
Belgian Furniture: Religious Treasures

We continued our European antiques buying trip in Belgium, where we found a wonderful array of Belgian furniture and religious treasures to ship home, as well as antique furniture. In my last blog post I wrote about the antique and vintage chandeliers we found in Belgium.  So let's have a look at our next discoveries.

antique religious treasures

We were mainly driving around France, Belgium and England to visit antique stores and dealers so we could find pieces to ship back to the USA. However, on one day in Belgium we helped clear out a house and we found some great religious pieces. Apparently the lady that died was the girlfriend of the local priest! That would explain why she had so many exquisite crucifixes and religious statues.

Antique religious statues from Belgium

Quality Belgian Furniture

Here are some of the statues we found. The details on the Madonnas and saints are beautiful. You can see that the hand-painted robes and faces on the figures still show bright colors and there isn't much sign of wear and tear. They were obviously well-cared for and loved, and probably kept in a fairly shady room so the colors didn't get bleached by the sun.

Antique Store in Belgium

We also bought some wonderful antique furniture in Belgium. In my post about our antiques buying trip in France I shared a photo of a very picturesque antique shop in Normandy and some other stores that were packed to the rafters,. But this one in Belgium was a first!  This dealer uses an old grocery store as a warehouse. I guess it is called "upcycling!"

Will all the antiques fit in the van

Belgian Furniture Galore!

At the end of our buying trip in Belgium we had a huge bounty of furniture and religious treasures, as well as 85 vintage chandeliers. The chandeliers were all individually wrapped and you can't see them in this photo. We pack them inside the big furniture so they are protected and also to make the most of every inch of space. But just imagine 85 individually wrapped chandeliers!  So now the question was: Could we fit everything we had bought in Belgium in THIS rented van?

Inside the van

And the answer was.... Nope! It worked out to be about three van loads. But we managed to get everything safely transported. Next, our very full shipping container will set off for the USA in the last week in July and land in Charleston about 4 weeks later. Then the real work begins!

As for me and Greg, we drove back to Paris to turn in the van, and then we flew to England to drive around the Midlands looking for grandfather clocks and Chesterfield leather sofas. That's another story for my next blog post!

European Furniture at

Belgian furniture is always impressive. Whether you choose a dining table, side table, set of dining chairs or a coffee table, the craftsman of Belgium always pull through. Maybe a Belgian style sideboard is what your living room needs. Outdoor furniture is also an option. Many of these pieces were crafted in the 19th century, and have stood the test of time. For your bedroom furniture needs, we'd suggest an Art Deco bookcase, a chest of drawers, or maybe a set of floor lamps or table lamps. From Mid-Century Modern decor to antique excellence, we've got the interior design pieces for you.

Catholic Home Decor

We have a wide selection of Catholic home decor as well. These range from personalized wall decor such as wall art, as well as Jesus figurines. Quality tabletop and wall decorations can be the perfect Catholic gift idea. Maybe a wall hanging bible verse or art print is what you need to express your faith in God. At EuroLuxHome, we have a centerpiece for every style. These home decorations could make a great housewarming gift or wedding gift for your favorite follower of Jesus Christ. Maybe a piece of Catholic wall decor, such as Catholic wall art featuring a Psalm if what you need. From dining room to entryway, Modern Farmhouse style seating to canvas prints, wood signs and bible verse wall art, has you covered.

french antique furniture antique buying trip in europe antique crucifix catholic home decor chandelier vintage
Aimee @ EuroLux Home

Aimee owns with her husband and best friend, Greg. With over 20 years' experience in acquiring and selling French Antique Furniture, she is very knowledgeable about furniture styles and how they are influenced by historical events. Aimee has shipped antique furniture and antique furniture reproductions to all 50 States and over 50 foreign countries. Subscribe to this blog for articles about antique furniture construction methods, style trends and even repair tips. Check out our YouTube channel!

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